Ivory Tower

I live in the Ivory Tower; Add a brick for each page read
I scrub the walls white with each public prayer
And last nights assignment is where I get my daily bread
I live in the Ivory Tower; Add a brick for each worksheet done
I made an "A" on my paper, so "Look out St. Paul, Peter here I come"
I have a 4.0, I must have holiness second to none
I live in the Ivory Tower; Add a brick for each meeting made
I finished my reports and mentioned Jesus three times
Just don't ask me about how many people I see get saved
I live in the Ivory Tower; Add a brick for each slander suppressed
I sure am growing, I don't even hate you anymore
Aren't you lucky I'm in your presence, don't you feel blessed
I live in the Ivory Tower; Another brick just fell out
See, in public I say "TULIP" & "God is sovereign"
But when left alone to review the day, I panic and I doubt
I live in the Ivory Tower; Another brick goes tumbling down
I cannot live up to this calling
Those I call my brothers don't know me, & isolated I drown
I live in the Ivory Tower; Another brick plunges to the ground
I just had an evening with my wife, how nice
Too bad, the week's begun, now she's nowhere to be found
I live in the Ivory Tower; it's crumbling, I can get no rest
"Sorry to hear about your mom,
Excuse me now, I've got to go study for this test"
I live in the Ivory Tower; A whitewashed tomb, cold & dead inside
Too busy to repent &
So distant from your presence, by a simple video game I'm satisfied
I live in the Ivory Tower; A structure of program & of classes
Get me to graduation, so I can climb down & spread your glory to the masses