The Hype Man

1. The song hype man.
Sometimes, especially during an altar call at the end of a service, the pastor transforms into a hype man. Say for instance you're singing "How Great is Our God." Right after your music minister sings "How Great is Our God," the pastor will echo his words saying, "He is great isn't he? Don't you wont to sing about his greatness?" He essentially supports and remixes every line of the song with a little hype man ad lib.
2. The amen hype man.
Some churches have hype men on the stage in impressive looking chairs or sitting on the front row. Whereas Flava Flav shouted, "yay boy" or "don't believe the hype," the amen hype man yells, you guessed it, "Amen." It's like the punctuation to a pastor's sentence. A bold yellow highlighter to his words. The capers to his sauce if you will.
Still not feeling that post? I wish I didn't know this, but the hype man is like that guy Joey on the Martha Stewart Show. His job is to get the crowd going, to taste the food Martha makes and in general raise the energy level. Please don't tell any of my guy friends that I made that reference.
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