Recommended Individual Commentaries on Each Book

Exodus: Enns (NIV Application Commentary)
Leviticus: Hartley (WBC)
Numbers: Wenham (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries)
Deuteronomy: McConville (AOTC ); Wright (New International Biblical Commentary)
Joshua: Woudstra (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) or Hess (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary)
Judges, Ruth: Block (New American Commentary)
1 & 2 Samuel: Bergen (NAC)
1 & 2 Kings: House (NAC)
1 Chronicles: Braun (WBC)
2 Chronicles: Dillard (WBC)
Ezra and Nehemiah: Williamson (WBC)
Esther: Baldwin (TOTC)
Job: Andersen (TOTC)
Psalms: Kidner (TOTC)
Proverbs: Kidner (TOTC); Bridges (Banner of Truth)
Ecclesiastes: Longman (NICOT)
Song of Songs: Longman (NICOT)
Isaiah: Oswalt (NICOT)
Jeremiah: Thompson (NICOT)
Jeremiah & Lamentations: Harrison (TOTC)
Ezekiel: Allen (WBC)
Daniel: Baldwin (TOTC); Longman (NIVAC)
Minor Prophets: McComiskey (3 volumes; superb)
Matthew: D.A. Carson (EBC)
Mark: Lane (New International Commentary on the New Testament)
Luke: Bock (Baker Exegetical Commentary)
John: Carson (Pillar New Testament Commentary)
Acts: Longenecker (EBC)
Romans: Moo (NICNT); Schreiner (BEC); Murray (Eerdmans)
1 Corinthians: Fee (NICNT)
2 Corinthians: Barnett (NICNT)
Galatians: Longenecker (Word)
Ephesians: O'Brien (PNTC)
Philippians: O'Brien (New International Greek Testament Commentary)
Colossians/Philemon: O'Brien (WBC)
1 & 2 Thessalonians: Bruce (WBC)
Pastoral Epistles: Mounce (WBC)
Hebrews: Ellingworth (NIGTC)
James: Moo (PNTC)
1 Peter: Grudem (Tyndale New Testament Commentary)
2 Peter and Jude: Baukham (WBC); Moo (NIVAC)
Johannine Epistles: Kruse (PNTC); Stott (TNTC)
Revelation: Beale (NIGTC)
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