Seeker Sensitive
I want to suggest that our church gatherings must be seeker sensitive if they are to be truly effective. But by this, I mean that our church gatherings must be sensitive to the of Luke 19:10: we must aim, in everything we do, to bring people face to face with the seeker - the Son of Man who came to seek & save the lost. In doing so, we will need to present the urgency of his demands & the need for radical repentance, as well as the joy of knowing Him.
Of course, we should also be sensitive to people, & seek to remove unnecessary distractions (e.g. strange clothing, music, jargon & traditions). But we do this not because we are trying to make lost people feel comfortable, but because we want lost people to focus upon the seeker of their souls, & so be saved.
- Lionel Windsor
Of course, we should also be sensitive to people, & seek to remove unnecessary distractions (e.g. strange clothing, music, jargon & traditions). But we do this not because we are trying to make lost people feel comfortable, but because we want lost people to focus upon the seeker of their souls, & so be saved.
- Lionel Windsor