Spotlight: Zambia & Baba Mkubwa Justin

Because if you love the Rainers, you have to love a man named Justin serving in Zambia, a constant pray-er & encourager of our ministry & lives. Sometimes you wait & wait to hear from your closest friends. Sometimes you're desperate for a word of news from home or someone just to check in on you or just to remind you that you're not forgotten (I'm talking about not just our 1 month here, but also our summer in Indonesia).
But then the Lord raises up Justins. Did I attend grade school through high school with Justin? Nope. College? Nope. Seminary? Nope. Neighbors? Nope. Church members...yes. Justin was a college student at Auburn while I was in seminary, & we simply made some evangelistic visits together. I loved his company, but I never knew the Lord was giving me such an advocate. And what I cannot get over is that he is on the front lines in Zambia himself, no wife, no child, & yet he focuses on the cross & on others serving & seeks to bring them before the throne & build them up. All I know to do to show love & thanks is to ask those of you who come across this today to lift up Justin in prayer & the people of Zambia.
- That those who have and are being discipled will share their faith with the relationships they have and will be intentional on making relationships in order to share Christ.
- I’ve really been burdened lately by illiteracy among some new Christian women. Pray with me about this. Pray that this will not frustrate them as they can’t read. That their husbands will read the Word to them. That they will be able to remember much Scripture and stories.
- Two villages that have come together to form a church are in prayer about doing storying in another village. Pray for God’s vision and wisdom.
- A fresh outpouring of the Spirit here in Kaputa, Zambia. My fear and belief, although not judgement, is that the majority of people here who say they are Christians and even go to church aren’t. Now, only God reads and knows hearts, so pray that He will reveal Himself to those who are spiritually blind. And pray that I and others here will proclaim Truth, that He may set the captives free.
- Here are some Scriptures I pray daily...Isaiah 40:28-31, Ps. 27:4; 27:8; 37:3-5, 90:12-14; Prv. 3:4-5; Matt. 5:6; Rom 12:1-2; Phil 4:4-7; Heb 12:1-2; 1 Pt. 1:15-16.
- Especially pray, 'but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy”' 1 Peter 1:15-16.
- Continued health and safety, especially when traveling. Roads are difficult – a lot of dirt and even the paved ones are pretty bad.
- My term finishes in August and I will need a job. I’m applying for teaching jobs. The economy is horrible, I have no experience, and I’m living in Zambia. It’s going to be all God. He loves to do the impossible and so Himself strong and faithful. I’ve been praying with Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20:12, “O God...We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” So just pray that I will continue to trust in His sovereignty and perfect plan and that He will provide the perfect job.
1. Operation World - Zambia
2. Times of Zambia - News
3. Follow Justin on His Blog - Focused on the Cross
4. Watch SIM's Zambia Country Profile - Video