Muslims Have an Impotent god

So how would I respond? Usually by spewing a steady stream of curse words in a vile, red-faced rage that included fist throwing, tackling (attempting anyways), choking, & that one time I reached into my cup & threw a cube of ice with unfortunate precision striking his tooth in our kitchen. Against my brother in a dialogue or argument or debate of ideas or even just expressions of opinion, I was powerless to go against him mind to mind, idea to idea, principle to principle.
These days I read a lot about Muslims calling for continual killings of "infidels," particularly my kind - Western American Christians (notice we're WAC). Sometimes I'm tempted to worry about the continual growth of militant Islam & how it will most likely be stronger in the days ahead when my son (Lord-willing) will be raising a family of his own.
But then I remember my days of growing up & I see in the Muslims of our day a pitiful picture. They are simply adherents to a god, to a faith that is powerless, impotent, bondage-inducing & not life giving. Because they have no Holy Spirit, no loving Creator Father, no Redeemer Son, no real power, they find themselves like me, like a little inferior brother, that knows their message will not spread while they are sleeping with it's faithful proclamation like the Word of God. And so to convince the world that they are not impotent, that their god is not impotent, they clinch their guns & they detonate their bombs, & they play with their video cameras making amateur scary films, & they grit their teeth, & they spew curses against the West & Christians in a vile red-faced rage, because they can't "hang."
To serve their god, they must wield the sword. Since their god is weak, non-existent in fact, they themselves must create the facade of power. And while our Lord was on earth as a man he needed no sword in his defense because He had the power to call on His Father who would at once send 12 legions of angels (Matthew 26:51-54). That's power. He conquered death. That's power. And there is an end to His patience & mercy & when it's time to wield the sword again, our Lord is potent enough to do it Himself, thank you very much (Revelation 19:15, 21).
Because I didn't have the intellect or ability to hold a candle to my brother, nor did I even have the self-control to reflect on the possibility that he was right, I had to resort to violence, shouts, & threats, theatrics of real power, to try & convince myself & maybe even him that I wasn't impotent.
Islam offers no life, no power, no joy, no love, no Reconciler or Forgiver, & if you look closely, they are just like toddlers - powerless & frustrated by their impotent god & throwing a tantrum & shouting "I hate you!" Yes, their stomping feet give off live ammunition & have real explosions. But they just have a match & a bottle rocket. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is nuclear.