Missionaries Are a Bunch of Dirty Dish Rags

"...I want you to know that we all admire you in what you are doing for the lord. I always refer to missions work like being a dirty dish rag. A dirty dish rag sits right where it’s master sits it and never gets any glory over anything it is used for. If anyone gets the praise, it is always the one who yielded it. The rag gets cleaned by its master and put right back by the sink where it presents itself accessible and willing to be used again for its master. You never hear anyone shouting “ now that’s a great dish rag, or look what that dish rag did”, no the dish rag just bows to its master as the yielder, the finisher, the worker of all good works gets all the glory! That’s the heart of the dirty dish rag and that is the heart of a servant of God! I say to you thank you for yielding yourself willing and ready to be used for the glory of God! Press on and fight the good fight!!!"
How kind of this pastor to take the time to love on strangers, & how merciful of God to continue to lift our spirits, the Author of our joy, day by day.