World Cup Wishes

1. USA
2. Japan
3. Germany
No, I don't have some fascination with the axis of evil from WWII, but I'm proudly American & want to see them go all the way. I live & labor in Japan & of course would like to see them show up, but reality says the Blue Samurai will go down early & often. I don't see the US making it past the 2nd round at best, & some many generations ago the Rainers came from Germany, so I want to follow a team that I hope to go deep into the tournament (apologies to the US & Japan) so why not pick your peeps from wince you came? I've always been quite attached in curiosity to Deutschland. Despite the injuries, I think Germany will be hungry from the near win on home turf in 2006.
Why should you care? You shouldn't. Why then would I post this? I have no idea, I just wanted to - perhaps my excitement for the Word Cup just needed an outlet. I do feel better.
The USA does have a chance to win it all for the baddest (think Michael Jackson Bad as in good way) slogan for a country ever in the history of geo-political lands: "Don't Tread on Me." It's the kind of slogan I wish I could incorporate into my daily life in some way, but it's difficult. "Could you pass the peas?" "Don't tread on me!" Needs work.