Christians in a small village in Malaysia have been told they can't build a church. Reports coming out of Malaysia say Christians in the Temiar village of Pos Pasik, about 70 km northeast of Gua Musang Kelantan, have been told by the Department of Orang Asli Affairs (JHEOA) that they have no permission to build a church on their land.
On 20 May 2010, the village head wrote to the Director-General of the JHEOA to inform him of their plan to build the church in their village, half of whom have converted to Christianity in recent years.
In response, the Deputy Director-General writing on behalf of the D-G replied that their "application" to build the church had been rejected and the community was asked to stop work on the building immediately.
This is contrary to what Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said this week. He praised the work and mission of the Inter-faith Relations Working Committee. It's a group of Malaysia's religious leaders representing Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Muslims. In a 45-minute session he praised Malaysia's pluralism, saying, "It's the foundation of national unity, rather than a front of division."
Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs says, "While the prime minister is saying we celebrate religious diversity and we celebrate the freedom to worship, the reality on the ground for some of the Christians in Malaysia is a little different."
Nettleton says it appears that religious tolerance depends on your ethnicity. "It is not uncommon for an ethnic Chinese person to be a Christian. So that is thought to be acceptable. It is much less common for an ethnic Malay person to be a Christian. They are thought culturally to be Muslims. Typically you see a harsh response from that."
Nettleton says, "There is some type of revival movement that is going on there. The ethnic villagers are becoming Christians. They want to have a church building. What I'm not clear about--and I think it deserves a little bit more study--is why this government agency said you can't build this church building."
If the church is demolished or stopped, it will be the second Orang Asli church in the state of Kelantan (and no less than 5 in the peninsular altogether) that has been demolished by the authorities on the basis of various excuses, including that the Orang Asli do not have rights to the land concerned. But it is evident that the issue is religion-related as other structures, including suraus, have been built on such lands without any issue.
Nettleton says we need to pray. "Pray for the Christians who are there to stand strong in their faith and to be bold witnesses for Christ. We also need to pray for the government." Tired of government inaction, Christians and other religious minorities in Indonesia are pushing back against rising violence by Islamic hard-liners.
Though it has been relatively calm in the last few weeks, the tensions never really go away. "It's always bubbling near the surface, and then these Islamic groups get together and they come against the church," said Greg Musselman, spokesman with Voice of the Martyrs Canada.
Over the last year, there's been a spike in trouble for Christians in this region. Church services throughout the city have been repeatedly interrupted and Christians intimidated into silence.
In June, the Bekasi Islamic Congress met and set up a "mission center" along with a youth army to oppose Christian efforts. That movement is going up the ranks into the legislative arena. "The talk of sharia law in any Muslim country is always there by a radical element."
Meanwhile, the attacks are growing bolder and more frequent. Leaders of a church in West Java, Indonesia have demanded justice from police after an attack from Muslim protestors left at least a dozen people injured.
As some 20 members of the Batak Christian Protestant Filadelfia Church in Bekasi gathered for Sunday worship August 8 on a church-owned plot of land in Ciketing, hundreds of members of the Islamic People's Forum (FUI) and the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) broke through a police barricade and ordered them to leave. When the church members refused, the protestors assaulted the group.
Why are they attracting so much attention? Because transformation is taking place. Musselman explains: "Even though some of these churches in Bekasi have to be very careful, all of a sudden literally hundreds of people are worshipping on the street. That's catching the attention of the neighborhood."
It's a mixed bag. Where one church might be undaunted, the Gospel efforts might be severely hindered by fear. "Those that are staying there growing in their faith, and persecution is strengthening it. Pastor is preaching on persecution, and he's seeing a spiritual maturity within those who have stayed."
Although it's stressful, many believers are praying that their conduct would continue to be a witness for Christ. "Pray that they would be strong through it," asks Musselman. "That is the prayer that we get most requests for: not necessarily that the persecution would stop, but that they would be strong through the persecution, and also that justice would be done."
By Tyson Mathews
UAB Athletic Media Relations
Jhun Cook had been in the hospital for a year.
Since being admitted at age 8 with an undiagnosed internal sickness, he had undergone chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplants and blood transfusions. Doctors still had not been able to determine exactly what was wrong with him.
Then, alone in his hospital room one night, he experienced something that changed everything.
Cook recalls, "I just remember an appearance of Christ came and asked, `Do you believe you can be healed?' I said, `I believe.' And within a week, I was released from the hospital. To this day, it still is a mystery."
A mystery to the doctors, maybe, but not to Cook, who already had a well-established faith in God at his young age.
"That time in my life is when I was compelled into my personal relationship with Christ," he says. "Knowing that he was there with me, that he was faithful to his word that he would never leave us nor forsake us."
The experience was one of several that guided Cook, now 26, into a life of ministry and ultimately into his current position as UAB's campus director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes program and chaplain for the Blazer football team.
A former UAB receiver, he re-joined the football program in a full-time capacity a little over a year ago. He's constantly around the team, attending meetings and practices and traveling to road games. He organizes group activities, one-on-one lunches and runs a Monday night Bible study.
"I've seen our players grow leaps and bounds just in the year that he's been here," UAB head football coach Neil Callaway says. "He is a genuine person who walks what he talks every day. We're very fortunate to have him as a part of our team, and he's done a tremendous job."
"The players can relate because I played here and come from a similar background as some of them and have shown consistency that I'm here for them when they need me," Cook says. "Sometimes as a coach, it's kind of hard to address a player when they're going through a tough time. But when you've experienced what they're experiencing, it's that much easier."
And Cook, a Birmingham native, has experienced a lot. When he was released from the hospital at age 9, he started to take a more active role around his church - even menial tasks like picking up trash and scraping gum out of the carpet. When he got older, he drove the church bus.
He also saw the unfortunate and ugly part of life. In addition to his illness, he was a victim of hold-ups at gunpoint twice before he even reached his teenage years - once while at a restaurant in the Birmingham area with his mother and older brother and once while walking to his aunt's house after school.
![]() Jhun Cook and UAB senior WR Mike Jones take a break from bowling to snap a picture. Cook organizes several outings a year, including trips to the bowling alley, for members of the football team. ![]() | ![]() |
The Huffman High School product credits God with getting him through those circumstances. That's why he is so eager to share his message with students at UAB. And that's why, in January, Cook founded a church in Birmingham called CBF Ministries International.
"The very thing that hurt me was the thing God called me to come against," Cook says. "That's why I'm so passionate about ministry here on campus, so when guys leave here they don't become the people that are doing that stuff. We represent what they should be doing: being great leaders, great fathers and great humanitarians in society once they leave school."
If his experiences early in life encouraged him to follow the straight path, Cook's time as a student-athlete at UAB confirmed his purpose. While playing football for the Blazers, he became deeply involved in the organization he now leads.
"On my 21st birthday, I was off at FCA camp," he says. "I knew then the Lord had really given me a heart for ministry."
Still, he couldn't have known then that he would wind up where he is now. Like many of the players he works with, Cook had aspirations of playing the sport he loves professionally. He pursued those dreams wherever they took him, from training camp with the Washington Redskins to the Alabama Steeldogs of Arena League 2.
In 2008, Cook turned his attention to a new professional league called the All American Football League. A spring league based mostly in the South, it would have six teams and be open only to players with college degrees.
Cook was selected in the AAFL draft by Team Arkansas, even chosen ahead of some former NFL players. But, one month before kickoff, the league canceled the season.
Out of football, Cook again found himself in Birmingham, working as an accountant for the Social Security administration.
"It was great money," he says. "But my heart wasn't in it."
That's when he received a phone call from UAB athletic director Brian Mackin about coming back to his alma mater.
"We started talking, and I started praying about it," Cook says. "That's when Coach Callaway called and said, `Whatever we need to do to get you here, this is what the guys need.' My heart was always here on campus, and now the opportunity was here and the window was open."
So Cook is back at UAB, serving as an example of how to do things the right way and encouraging Blazer players to strive for a higher purpose.
"Looking back over my life, it gives me passion for God," he says. "The passion that he had for me to get me to where I am gives me the passion now to reach and save everybody that I can."
People buy larger homes for a number of reasons:
Another reason people keep buying bigger and bigger homes is because no one tells them not to. The mantra of the culture again comes calling, “buy as much and as big as possible.” They believe the lie and choose to buy a large home only because that’s ”what you are supposed to do” when you start making money… you buy nice, big stuff.
Nobody ever tells them not to. Nobody gives them permission to pursue smaller, rather than larger. Nobody gives them the reasons they may actually be happier in a smaller house.
So, in an attempt to break the silence, consider these 12 reasons why you’ll actually be happier in a smaller house:
Your home is a very personal decision that weighs in a large number of factors that can’t possibly be summed up in one 700 word post. This post was not written to address each of them. Only you know all the variables that come into play when making your decision.
I just think you’ll be happier if you buy smaller… rather than the other way around.
- by way of Frugal Dad
Suppose that an American daisy-cutter bomb had been dropped on Mecca, and blew up their sacred rock. Suppose further that through a series of circumstances, a Southern Baptist gentleman proposed building a Christian chapel on the lip of that crater. We would be justified in suppposing this man to be any number of things, but one of the things he emphatically would not be is a moderate.
The fact that he would not be a moderate would not make him a terrorist, of course. It would just make him not a moderate. He would be doing something provocative, and he would be doing it on purpose. If he denied being provocative, this would simply make him a dishonest non-moderate. A real moderate would have stayed home.
Our secularists tend not to see this because they have made the fatal mistake of believing their own propaganda. All religious differences, they think, are mere denominational differences, and they are prepared to unbend liberally when it comes to such denominational distinctives, considered as such. They say, for example, that a free country should allow their Christians to debate whether to baptize with heads upstream or downstream. And then, with a patronizing pat on the head, we are sent on our way in order to debate how many angels our faith community thinks could fit on the head of a pin.
Religion, to them, is false, irrelevant, and pie-in-the-skyish. That being the case, they will treat forays by believers as believers into the political realm as blasphemous outrage, or as impossible contradiction. As a general rule of thumb, it is an outrage when Christians do it, and impossible when Muslims do it.
But on the eve of the Spanish Armada, a Roman Catholic Englishman could not be simply treated as one who believed in Purgatory, for example. Being a Catholic in that setting was a political act. When John of Leiden ascended to the throne of David in the Munster rebellion, to be an anabaptist within a fifty mile radius was a political act. We think that different churches are all listed in the yellow pages, so that we can know what time their services are, and that's it. But it is anachronistic to impose that mentality on those periods of (most of) history when politics and religion mingled in public together. The two cannot really be separated.
The rise of the secularist heresy, and the voluntary quiesence of Christians in the West, created an optical illusion. It looked like politics and religion were separated, when what had actually happened is that secularism established her religion, but with a stripped down liturgy and creed so that people would believe that it was somehow a-religious. "Perhaps if we call it secular, then people won't notice how pervasively religious it is."
This technique was brazen, and it is the kind of thing that can sometimes work . . . for a time. It is like Christians calling their churches "non-denominational." But Grace Chapel, a designated non-denominational place of worship, is also, as it turns out, denominated (named) as Grace Chapel. Abraham Lincoln once asked how many legs a sheep would have if we call the tail a leg. Five, the answer came back. No, he replied, calling the tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. Calling it secular doesn't make it secular.
Secularism pretended for a time to be neutral about the basic religious concerns, and it was actually anything but neutral. Creating a religion of man is not the same thing as abandoning religion. And so after a time, the pretension wears thin, the contradictions start working their way to the surface, the old alliances and treaties are violated, and the old immanent gods no longer answer when we cry out in their temples.
This is why it is a political act to be a Muslim in America today. To be a Christian in America today is also a political act. It cannot be depoliticized by any ecclesiastical wish or theological whim. Meredith Kline has no wand to wave that will make any faithful Christians fit into this collapsing secular order. This is because our secularist overlords have lost their faith in the ghosts of Jefferson and Voltaire, and have also lost the doctrinal rigor of their convictions, and are wobbling along as best they can. In this crisis of secularist confidence, to be a Christian at all is a political act of defiance. The same goes for the Muslims -- because secularist idols can be challenged by other idols, as well as by the true God. The Muslims, however, have been quicker to see the situation, and quicker to exploit it than have Christians.
If the secularist state could somehow continue on, unruffled, for the next three centuries, a lot of Christians could continue on with their compromises with it. Sure. And if the sky fell, we would all catch larks.
But that is not our situation. Bricks are already falling out of their wall. Their towers are already swaying back and forth. The corrosive acids of their relativism have eaten away all the strength of their three-hundred-year-old mortar. Many of us do not yet see this. So? When the walls of Jericho fell down, I dare say that there were more than few Israelites who were caught flat-footed. But ready or not, here we come.