In what do you live & move & have your being? To what end do you exist? How long will you shut your eyes to the absurdity of your existence, the triviality of your hopes, fears, dreams, & life? Many, (maybe) most(?) of you have reached the pinnacle of life in the material world & what has it yielded you? Those who among you take their own lives are the most sane & consistent among you. What do you gain by closing your eyes & cupping your hands over your ears when the living God comes to you in written & spoken Word to set you free? You are the most deceived of all the peoples & you have bought the serpent's lie, "Does God, with all these restrictions & rules & claims on your life, really love you?" You are children of the beast & for millenniums you have desired this destructive end, even shedding the blood of prophets & rejecting your own who follow the Way. This is your heritage because you have recklessly pursued & obtained it. And yet, there is time to repent. How long will you choose to harden your hearts & stiffen your necks?