Are You Sure?

Are you sure the Lord hasn't called you to missions because you're understanding of missions is only as broad as evangelism through church planting?
Has God called you to be an engineer? Did He tell you it had to be in the US?
Has God called you to preach? Did He say it must be among white people?
Has God called you to teach elementary school? Did he say it has to be in an english speaking country?
It would be my guess that for many of us, the answer to the 2nd questions above would be at best, "I don't know. I didn't pray about it."
I'm not for missions manipulation because someone going kicking & screaming is counterproductive. But I would encourage you to pray if God is calling you to use what you love & He has equipped you to do to glorify Him among the nations.
It could be that many who say they are not called to missions really haven't even crossed that bridge yet because they have assumed that because God has called them to teach, preach, do business, then necessarily that cancels the missions calling. In fact, all those things could easily be helpful tools in order to reach others for Christ! Are you so clear in your calling in life that you are certain that God said you must stay among the people of the United States of America?