Shake Their Confidence
"This year the cherry blossom season has come as Japan stumbles into its worst post-war economic crisis.
Major manufacturers are in trouble, exports have halved of the cars and electronic gadgets that have powered Japan's rise to become an industrial and technological powerhouse.
Along with profits, the old certainties of the Japanese way are being eroded."
- Read the full BBC article with photos here.
I'm praying that this italicized part of the above article is & will be true. I know when you look around at all the poverty in the world, it is probably difficult to feel sorry for the Japanese, the world's 2nd largest economy. But I believe a soul in Alabama is the same as a soul in England, Burkino Faso, or Jordan, wherever. But I pray that if it takes earthquakes & economy performing poorly in order to shake the confidence of the Japanese in themselves & in their cutlure, then Lord, shake the grounds & empty their pockets. Pray that we would be willing to go through anything, any of it with them for the sake of the Gospel reaching this people. Will you pray with us?