King-ly Preaching

If you want to understand how relevant the OT is to your life, how the OT brings us the Gospel, challenges the believer, & bids lost sinners to repent & trust in Christ, then the current sermon series out of Concord Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tn on the OT book of Judges is must-listen material for you!
David King preaches with boldness & authority, but in grace & love. As God speaks through David through the OT, you will be challenged, exhorted, admonished, but as the Gospel is found in the book of Judges you will also be restored, renwed, recharged with gratitude for who Christ is & your sonship with God. But you will be asked to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith, nothing is held back, but your gaze will not be inward long, before this preacher of the Word sets your gaze, your hope, your heart on the living Christ.
Click here to go to the series on the book of Judges. Right click the download link & select "save target as" if you want to download, or click the stream link to listen without downloading. Anything by the Concord staff you can listen to on this resource page is well worth your time. Now, listen & be blessed.
Click here to go to the series on the book of Judges. Right click the download link & select "save target as" if you want to download, or click the stream link to listen without downloading. Anything by the Concord staff you can listen to on this resource page is well worth your time. Now, listen & be blessed.