From a Missionary Friend
The Invitation:
J.I. Packer wrote, “It is a staggering thing, but it is true – the relationship in which sinful human beings know God is one in which God, so to speak, takes them onto his staff, to be henceforth his fellow workers (see 1 Cor 3:9) and personal friends” (J.I.P., Knowing God). That is a beautiful statement, but we have to ask ourselves, do we really understand it? Do we feel that weight of its meaning?
As a kid, I can remember thinking how amazing it would be to be friends with a TV star. I dreamed about becoming a part of the gang on Saved by the Bell or drinking coffee with Ross, Chandler, Joey, Monica, Rachel and Phoebe at The Central Perk. Yet, in all of those dreams, I was the one who had to introduce myself first, because of course I know who they are, but they wouldn’t know me. Nevertheless, I would eventually woo them with my natural Southern charm!….Right?
Well, my dreams never came to fruition, but when I was 16 I had a providential introduction that was far greater than meeting a TV star. It was then that I met Jesus. Sure, I had heard His name before, but it didn’t mean anything to me. I wasn’t looking for or pursuing him in any way. Yet, when I, like Lazarus, heard him beckoning me with words of life, I arose from the dead. And, our relationship didn’t end after a brief introduction. Instead, he promised to never leave me nor forsake me…to guide me into all truth…to give me a more abundant life, etc...and since then, it has been a grace-filled journey!
For example, last month I asked you all to pray about the possibility of starting a water filter project where I serve in the Pacific Rim. Well, 2 days after I made that request, I received an email from my boss saying that the government had approved our request to open a factory there. After I read his email, I just cried, because the Father was once again pouring out his grace in my life - confirming this journey I am on. He had been orchestrating all the things that had to come together in order for this project to be approved long before I asked you all to pray about it. Yet, he allowed us to be a part of His work in this world through prayer and what is more, He is allowing us to be a part of seeing that prayer become a reality. As Packer said, “it is a staggering thing, but true…[that we are] his fellow workers and personal friends.”
I know there are some of you are going through some hard times or maybe you feel like God is a million miles away. Well, I encourage you to listen to His words: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink” (John7:37). I am proof that His words are true and I invite you to join me in this journey. Don’t wait to follow him. “If we postpone our journey till the storm dies down, we may never get started again” (J.I.P, Knowing God). Today is the day of salvation for all who hear his voice! (2 Cor. 6:2). Peace be with you all!