
I would notice men standing in the convenience stores in a row reading or flipping through magazines. It wasn't until Luke & I went to the ATM in a 7-11 (they are Japanese owned by the way) & there were literally dozens of doe-eyed Japanese women, scantily clad, staring longingly at us from the magazine rack.
Mindy, Luke, & I were in a second hand store, kind of like an upscale flea market at home, & as we browsed the aisles, literally touching on the right side of the Playstation games for sale were not just scantily-clad women, but completely nude women posing on the front of DVD's, row after row, & on the left side of the porn, anime or funky cartoon DVD's.
I went into a bookstore - then I walked out - because it seemed like every book was cartoon porn (a big hit here for some reason).
I walked downtown one night (very close to our home, an easy walk) & found myself right in the middle of a couple streets where you could walk into any venue & pay to see nude women perform privately for you. How do I know? Because the sidewalk pictures & photos were so graphic that it left no room for misunderstanding what you could do & for how much.
My immediate thought is often, "Oh God get me out of here." My second more lingering thought goes to Luke & the thought of him growing up with such easy access to things that quite literally could haunt him to the grave. But as I selfishly thought about Luke, I think the Holy Spirit brought my attention to the sons & daughters of Japan. All Japanese men have the same ease of access as my Luke does. Those women who pose are lost apart from Christ. The men in the corporations that push the industry are lost. And the Japanese are created by God in the image of God just the same as Luke is.
So I'm asking you to pray for purity of heart for the Japanese, but I'm not asking you to pray in the vacuum of morality. Please pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, crucified for the sins of sexual perversion & sexual idolotry, would set the capitves of this industry & addiction free, & that the sons & daughters of Japan would become the adopted sons & daughters of God the Father.