Pray for Indonesia - 7000 Dead so Far
I was reading the Atlanta-Journal Constitution today about the quake that currently has a death toll of around 7,000 - that in the midst of a bird flu crisis, just months removed from severe, deadly floods, other recent earthquakes and volcanoes and just a year and a half removed from the tsunami - and I read a quote from a local man named Subarjo, a 70 year old who said:
I could be wrong, but more than likely he was speaking of Allah, not "I AM." That's what breaks my heart for this nation...more than the thousands of deaths they have suffered in less than 2 years, is the fact that they continue to worship that which is false. They have been sold a lie and they suppress the truth. I watched some footage while I was in Atlanta of the wreckage from the quake and saw survivors repeatedly calling out to "allahu akbar." I admire the fact that they would still be calling out to their god, and even calling him "great." I imagine the situation in America would see many questioning and forsaking the faith because we feel entitled to "easy," "freedom," and "pleasantness." Suffering is a foreign concept. I know it is to me.
I believe the Lord is up to something in this nation. Yet, like the time I spent in Aceh, like what I read in the paper & saw on the tv, so many, thinking allah is punishing them for lack of devotion, delve more wholeheartedly into the lie of Islam, hardening their hearts, or being hardened, further from the Truth.
It is for that reason that I would plead with whoever may come across this page, to plead with the Lord to move exceedingly powerfully among these people. Pray that the next time calamity comes to Indonesia, that people would respond by glorifying Him Who is their Maker, Him Who is worthy of glory, and Him who I beleive is opening a door for the Gospel in the largest Muslim country in the world by leaving this staunchly Muslim people broken, and repeatedly asking, "Why."
There is only One Answer, and prayer is the greatest weapon to wield and gives us the priveleged opportunity to be a part of Kingdom building in a place where Christ is not named. Come Holy Spirit, to this proud, yet broken people, glorify Your Son among them. Use us as You will in the means of this process.
"I couldn't help my wife...I was trying to rescue my children, one with a broken leg, and then the house collapsed. I have to accept this as our destiny, as God's will."
I could be wrong, but more than likely he was speaking of Allah, not "I AM." That's what breaks my heart for this nation...more than the thousands of deaths they have suffered in less than 2 years, is the fact that they continue to worship that which is false. They have been sold a lie and they suppress the truth. I watched some footage while I was in Atlanta of the wreckage from the quake and saw survivors repeatedly calling out to "allahu akbar." I admire the fact that they would still be calling out to their god, and even calling him "great." I imagine the situation in America would see many questioning and forsaking the faith because we feel entitled to "easy," "freedom," and "pleasantness." Suffering is a foreign concept. I know it is to me.
I believe the Lord is up to something in this nation. Yet, like the time I spent in Aceh, like what I read in the paper & saw on the tv, so many, thinking allah is punishing them for lack of devotion, delve more wholeheartedly into the lie of Islam, hardening their hearts, or being hardened, further from the Truth.
It is for that reason that I would plead with whoever may come across this page, to plead with the Lord to move exceedingly powerfully among these people. Pray that the next time calamity comes to Indonesia, that people would respond by glorifying Him Who is their Maker, Him Who is worthy of glory, and Him who I beleive is opening a door for the Gospel in the largest Muslim country in the world by leaving this staunchly Muslim people broken, and repeatedly asking, "Why."