God is Moving in Iran

Two stories from this report jumped out to me, and I wanted to share them with our blog readers. The first was of a person in authority with whom one Christian shared Christ. This person prayed to accept Christ as Savior, and the two planned to meet up again in two weeks for further discussion and discipleship for the new believer.
When the mature Christian returned in two weeks, the new believer had already read through the entire Bible. Not only that, this person had shared Christ with an additional 30 people, who also prayed and accepted Christ. With such on-fire believers, is it any wonder the church in Iran is growing?
Another report came from a Christian who’d gone to disciple another new believer. This believer had not yet received a Bible, but was asking for one. When the new believer opened up a notebook where they recorded spiritual thoughts, the mature believer couldn’t help but see the words on one of the pages: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
“What is that? Where did you get that?”
“Jesus came and told me to write it down,” the new believer reported. Upon further questioning, this new believer—who didn’t yet own a Bible—reported that Jesus had come in night-time visions each night for a month and had told him to write down the words.
As the mature believer thumbed through the notebook, he discovered that it contained the complete text—word for word—of the Gospel of John. Where this believer had no Bible, God miraculously provided that Gospel.
We praise God for His provision, and for Christians boldly witnessing for Christ in Iran and the amazing harvest they are seeing for their labors. Please pray for them, as they must take great risks to witness for Christ.
- from VOM's Blog