Missions Worldwide

- 66,000 people die every day in unreached poeple groups around the world,
never having heard the gospel of Christ.
- Active persecution of Christians takes place in: Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, China, Iran, Morocco, Libya, Egypt and Algeria. Over 160,000 believers will be martyred this year.
- Of those involved in missions in the US, 98% are Senders (financial support, prayers, letters, mobilizers, pastors, etc.), 0.5% are Servicers (mobilizers, administrative, tech support, training, communication), and only 1.5% are Missionaries (church planting, development, tentmaking, tribal outreach, health services).
- Worldwide, last year alone, about 120,000,000 people were presented the gospel for the first time.
- Worldwide, about 1.7 billion people now listen to Christian radio or watch Christian TV on a monthly basis.
- Worldwide, Christians now spend 388,000,000,000 man-hours every year proclaiming the gospel in evangelism.
- Christianity has grown by more than 300 million believers in the past ten years. About 10 million of these new Christians are from North America and Europe, and the rest -290 million--are from developing countries like Nigeria, Argentina, India and China.
- Houstonperspectives.org/